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PDO Threads


Say hello to the new facelift. PDO Threads tighten aging skin with a natural-looking lift that lasts for up to one year. Get ready to see results immediately! Even better, as new collagen forms you’ll continue to see your results improve.


Here’s the rundown…

  • Immediately see your skin lifted & tightened

  • Continues to stimulate collagen production

  • Reduces fine lines & wrinkles

  • Enhances overall skin tone

Frequently Asked Questions

PDO Threads

How does this work?

It’s simpler than it sounds. The technical term for PDO threads is “soluble polydioxanone threads”—a big term that means they’re similar to the threads used for surgical stitches. Think of it like this: by inserting these threads beneath the skin, a scaffold is created that gives your skin a natural lift while new collagen is produced. After about 3 months, the threads dissolve and all that’s left is tighter, smoother skin. Easy, peasy.

PDO Threads

What can I expect?

Don’t worry, this is a noninvasive treatment with no downtime—you’ll be able to resume normal activity the next day. After numbing the area with local anesthesia, the PDO threads are inserted under the skin using a very fine needle. You will see results immediately—we’re talking firmer, tighter, smoother skin.

PDO Threads

How often should I get this service?

PDO Threads last for a very long time—typically up to one year! Plus, as new collagen is created over the next days/weeks/months following your treatment, you’ll continue to see even more improved results. Everyone is different, so be sure to chat with us about the frequency of booking this treatment.

PDO Threads

Does it hurt?

You are numbed with local anesthesia before the treatment. After your treatment, you may see a dark line where the threads were placed. Don’t panic! Any slight bruising, pink skin, or visible thread lines will disappear in about a week. Results do vary from person to person. Other minor side effects are rare, but may include: infection, bruising, swelling, tenderness, numbness, and slight asymmetry which will resolve over a few weeks after the treatment.

Botox & Fillers


We’re going to take the guesswork out for you and keep it simple. Botox is great for moderate to severe forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet. Fillers are perfect for recreating the youthful fullness and contours of your face that have aged away, plus plumps your lips.


Here’s the rundown…

  • Long-lasting results

  • Softens wrinkles & fine lines

  • Improves the contours & shape of your face

  • Smooth, youthful look & texture

Frequently Asked Questions

botox & fillers

How does this work?

BOTOX®, Dysport and Xeomin are strategically injected into your facial wrinkles like forehead or crow’s feet to relax the muscle and minimize the appearance of moderate to severe wrinkles.
Fillers aka Injectables literally fill in the area under your skin where aging has caused collagen to diminish. They add volume and give youthful fullness to your face. We offer the best fillers on the market: Juvederm® - Ultra, Ultra Plus, Vollure, Volluma, Volbella, Restylane® - Silk, Defyne Refyne, Lyft, Belotero ® and Radiesse®

botox & fillers

What can I expect?

Botox / Dysport / Xeomin
This is a quick 10-15 minute injection. We use a very fine needle and inject small amounts of the Botox into those targeted muscles we want to relax, smoothing the appearance of your wrinkles.
We use a small needle to inject fillers beneath your skin into the targeted area. Let’s chat beforehand about which injectables are right for your needs and target areas.

botox & fillers

How often should I get this service?

Results are visible immediately, with ultimate results visible about 1-2 weeks following your treatment. Your treatment of Dysport, Xeomin or Botox will last about 3-5 months.
Fillers can last from 6 months to several years, depending on your needs and desired results.

botox & fillers

Does it hurt?

Some clients feel mild, temporary discomfort from the treatments. Dysport, Xeomin and Botox have been aggressively tested and approved by the FDA. Most of our clients get Botox and return to normal activities right away.
You may feel a little discomfort during the treatment, but there’s no downtime with fillers—you can resume normal activities right after the treatment. Some clients experience swelling or minor bruising, but it will fade within a few days.

Kybella & WARMSCULPTING BY Sculpsure

That’s right, you’re seeing double. We have two treatments to answer all of your double chin troubles. KYBELLA® injections improve the appearance and profile of a moderate to severe double chin. A WarmSculpting by SculpSure laser treatment treats the submental fat cells on your chin.


Here’s the rundown…

  • Improves the appearance of a double chin

  • Enhances your profile’s chin, jowls & neck area

  • Removes the fat cells beneath your chin

  • Noninvasive & no downtime

Frequently Asked Questions



Get similar results to a facelift without the surgery. Ultherapy is a nonsurgical treatment that uses micro-focused ultrasound technology to lift and tighten the skin around your neck, chin, brows, and chest. Excited? We are too.


Here’s the rundown…

  • Tightens the skin around the neck, chin, eyebrows & chest

  • Revitalizes the deep layers of your facial tissue

  • Stimulates your natural collagen-building production

  • Noninvasive & no downtime

Frequently Asked Questions


How does this work?

This laser has a deep relationship with your skin. Ultherapy’s concentrated ultrasound energy tackles the same foundational layer focused on in a surgical facelift. It heats the structural tissue of your skin where collagen lives and creates cellular friction, all to stimulate new collagen. Your revitalized skin tightens and lifts to look younger and firmer.


What can I expect?

We’ll use traditional ultrasound imaging so we can see the layers of tissue we want to focus on—this allows us to deliver the energy specifically to the areas most beneficial for boosting your natural collagen production. As the smooth applicator projects an image of your skin onto our screen, it delivers its micro-focused energy deep into your skin. Your skin will naturally lift and tighten.


How often should I get this service?

After just one treatment you will see younger, firmer skin. True results gradually improve over the following 2-3 months. For true skin tightening, it’s recommended to receive this service once a year.


Does it hurt?

Ultherapy is nonsurgical and noninvasive! Plus, ultrasound technology has been used in the medical community for over 50 years making this treatment very safe. You may experience some mild redness and tenderness post-treatment, but this will go away. In some very rare instances, clients may experience some mild bruising and swelling.

Laser Resurfacing & RejuvenAting


Moderate Laser Skin Resurfacing

You hear people talking about it, so why not try it? Fractional laser technology is considered the top choice for all skin tones. We like to call it “Baby Fraxel” as it helps smooth fine lines and wrinkles, tightening your skin, and improve pore-size and skin’s overall texture. Fractional laser facials are popular for their ability to remove only the smallest fraction of the top layer of your skin, so downtime is significantly less.


Here’s the rundown…

  • Great for all skin tones

  • Reduces fine lines & wrinkles

  • Fades sun spots, age spots & scars

  • Improves your skin’s texture, pore-size & tone


Frequently Asked Questions

Moderate Laser Skin Resurfacing

How does this work?

Fractional laser technology—specifically our Palomar Starlux 1540 Fractional Laser—uses focused microbeams to create columns of tiny micro-injuries in the top layer of your skin. (Sounds crazy, but stick with us.) This non-ablative resurfacing stimulates your skin’s natural healing functions to produce new collagen for smooth, firm, radiant-looking skin. We can use this laser on your face, neck, chest, and hands.

Moderate Laser Skin Resurfacing

What can I expect?

This is a quick treatment that takes about 30-40 minutes. We first numb your skin with a topical anesthetic to keep you feeling comfortable. Once the treatment starts you will feel a warm sensation from the laser—this is the laser carefully removing the outermost damaged and wrinkled layer of your skin. After the treatment your skin will be warm and it will look like you have a sunburn.

Moderate Laser Skin Resurfacing

How often should I get this service?

You will definitely see dramatic results after just one treatment, and as your skin produces more collagen you’ll see your skin continue to improve. We recommend a series of 3-5 treatments spaced 3-6 weeks apart to achieve the desired results we know you want.

Moderate Laser Skin Resurfacing

Does it hurt?

This is not a painful procedure. The numbing cream reduces the laser to just a warm sensation. Fractional laser technology lowers the risk of side effects and minimizes the chance of thermal damage. Your skin may have a pinkish tone for about 5 days, but as your skin heals you’ll notice amazing improvements in your skin’s texture, pigmentation, and tone.

Aerolase Laser Rejuvenation Facial

This rejuvenating laser is the laser facial of the people! All skin types and tones can experience the benefits of this patented 650-microsecond technology. By delivering high energy in short pulses, this laser facial does not resurface the skin but fully rejuvenates it. It effectively targets the natural signs of aging for clearer, healthier skin.

  • NeoClear by Aerolase

    NeoClear is a powerful acne treatment that eliminates the major factors causing acne including excess sebum production, inflammation, and the p. acnes bacteria. 

  • NeoSkin by Aerolase

    NeoSkin by Aerolase comprehensively clears Melasma and hyperpigmentation, effectively tightens skin and also has the ability to reduce redness from Rosacea, and veins.


Here’s the rundown…

  • Effective for all skin types & skin tones

  • Rejuvenates and tightens skin

  • Improves the appearance of acne, brown & redness

  • Treats a wide range of vascular skin conditions


Frequently Asked Questions

Vampire Facelift & Facial


Vampire Facelift with Fillers

Don’t let the name scare you! The Vampire Facelift® is perfect for anyone looking to correct volume loss, dull-looking skin, or looking to regain their glowing, youthful complexion. This facelift combines hyaluronic acid fillers with your body’s natural healing agents from PRP (platelet rich plasma) to restore your natural beauty.


Here’s the rundown…

  • Softens fine lines & wrinkles

  • Gives your skin smoother tone & texture

  • Increases new collagen growth

  • Improves the youthful volume & shape of your face

Frequently Asked Questions

Vampire Facelift
with Fillers

How does this work?

We combine hyaluronic acid fillers (like Juvederm® Ultra Plus) with your body’s natural PRP (platelet rich plasma) to carefully and strategically inject areas of your face to add youthful volume and reduce wrinkles. This formula also boosts the growth of collagen and new, healthy tissue to improve the overall quality of your skin.

Vampire Facelift
with Fillers

What can I expect?

We begin the Vampire Facelift® treatment by drawing your blood (typically from your arm). We then isolate your body’s natural PRP in order to inject it back into your body. Using a hyaluronic acid filler like Juvederm® Ultra Plus, we follow your natural facial structure build a foundation of restored volume. We then inject the PRP into your face, triggering your body’s natural healing process so new tissue grows and your youthful look is restored.

Vampire Facelift
with Fillers

How often should I get this service?

A Vampire Facelift® with fillers will continue to stimulate collagen growth and skin renewal for about 3 months following your treatment. Your results will typically last for about one year or longer!

Vampire Facelift
with Fillers

Does it hurt?

The Vampire Facelift® is a minimally invasive treatment that uses PRP derived from your own blood, so there’s no risk of an allergic reaction. You may experience a slight discomfort during the treatment. Some mild bruising may occur following the treatment, but this will subside within a few days.

Vampire Facial with Microneedling

Believe the hype. The Vampire Facial® is a cutting-edge microneedling treatment that harnesses your body’s own natural healing agents from PRP to improve your skin’s health and complexion while stimulating new collagen growth.


Here’s the rundown…

  • Improves your skin’s tone & texture

  • Increases the production of new collagen

  • Helps induce cell & tissue regeneration

  • Softens fine lines and tightens skin

Frequently Asked Questions



Skin Restructuring

The Attiva Radio Frequency system by Reveal Lasers represents a forefront advancement in aesthetic medicine, offering a non-invasive alternative for those seeking to address moderate to deep skin laxity. This cutting-edge, nonsurgical, and noninvasive radiofrequency facial and body rejuvenation therapy offers noticeable outcomes with minimal to zero downtime. Its distinctiveness lies in the innovative Subdermal Induced Heat Technology (S.I.H.) system, which precisely directs radiofrequency energy below the skin's surface, producing significant heat without harming the epidermal layer. This energy induces an immediate tightening of lax collagen fibers under the skin. It starts a biochemical process that stimulates fibroblasts to produce new collagen and elastin, essential for skin firmness and elasticity. While the ATTIVA technology has been used in Europe for years, it is finally in the United States, where Nicole Frontera, FNP, has been selected to be part of the team to launch this pioneering technology.


Here’s the rundown…

  • Non-invasive modality for rejuvenation, promoting a youthful dermal appearance

  • Enhances collagen production, crucial for dermal elasticity and firmness

  • Tightens lax skin, offering a contoured and lifted facial profile

  • Diminishes the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles, contributing to a smoother complexion

  • Improves skin texture and uniformity, facilitating a radiant and healthy skin surface


Frequently Asked Questions

Attiva Radio Frequency

How does Attiva Radio Frequency work?

The Attiva Radio Frequency treatment employs sophisticated radio frequency energy to penetrate the dermal layers, selectively heating the tissue. This process stimulates the fibroblasts, increasing collagen and elastin production—vital proteins for maintaining skin integrity and elasticity. The thermal effect encourages tissue contraction, resulting in immediate and progressive skin tightening.

What can I expect from Attiva Radio Frequency?

What can I expect?

Patients may observe an immediate enhancement in skin tone and firmness post-treatment, with progressive improvements manifesting as collagen regeneration occurs over subsequent weeks. The procedure is swift and efficient, necessitating no downtime allowing patients to resume their regular activities promptly.

Moderate Laser Skin Resurfacing

How often should I get this service?

Optimal outcomes generally require sessions spaced approximately 4 to 6 weeks apart. The specific treatment regimen is customized to each patient's unique dermatological needs and aesthetic aspirations, as determined during the initial consultation.

Does Attiva Radio Frequency hurt?

Does it hurt?

The Attiva Radio Frequency treatment is engineered for patient comfort. While a sensation of warmth is anticipated as the radio frequency energy is applied, the procedure is well tolerated and does not necessitate anesthesia. Our team of specialized aesthetic nurse practitioners prioritizes patient comfort and safety throughout treatment.

Choose the correct treatment for you!